Contents dan Daftar isi
Based on The Psychology Book, The Sight of Tasty Fiid Makes A Hungry Man’s Mouth Water
The Sight of Tasty Fiid Makes A Hungry Man’s Mouth Water Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)
In Context.
Approach : Classical Conditioning
Before : Early 12 Th Century Arab physician Avenzoar (Ibnu Zuhr) Performs experiments on animals in order to test surgical procedures
1890 In Principles of Pschology, William James States that in Animals “The Feeling of having executed one impulsive step is an indispensable of the next one
After 1920 John B. Watson’s “Little Albert” Experiment demonstrates classical conditioning in humans
1930s B.F. Skinner Shows that rats can be “Conditioned” to behave in a spesific way.
1950 Psychotherapists employ “conditioning” as past of behaviour therapy.
An unconditioned stimulus (such as being presented foo)
can provoke an unconditioned respon (such as beginning to salivate)
if an unconditioned stimulus is accomanied by a neutral stimulus (such as a ringing bell)
a condition response begins to develop.
after repeated episodes the conditioned stimulus ane (the rining bell) ok mom I am going.
after repeated episodes, the conditioned stimulus alone (the ringing bell)
Mas asri sekang gimana perkembangannya
will provoke a conditional respons