pidato bahasa inggris global warming

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Global Warming

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

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With all due respect to the honorable judges representing, to all of the teachers here attending, to all of the audiences, and to all my friends whom I love.


First of all, let us thank Allah SWT which because of His blessings, we all can gather here on this event. Shalawat and prayer we will say to our greatest prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends, and all of his followers. Amien!


In this chance I would like to tell you my speech about



Today the world is reeling under the pressure of global warming. Every change in the weather and every natural catastrophe is blamed on the global warming. But what is global warming? Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere.


Global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing us today, Imagine if your house was to get trapped in fumes of fire, without any room for ventilation. Obviously, this would lead to suffocation. Now, imagine, that the whole Earth is your house and it is being trapped in ‘greenhouse gases’. Naturally, the living conditions on the Earth would become deplorable. Continuous burning of fossil fuels, like oil and coal, gases like carbon dioxide and methane get trapped high in the atmosphere. These gases make a huge dome over the Earth, which reverts some outgoing radiation. Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century, the temperature rise has only worsened. The increase in the number of car engines has only added to the carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Wanton deforestation, is another reason for global warming, as there’s a huge source of oxygen that gets depleted.


the ill effects of global warming has surrounded whole the world, such as rising sea levels, unpredictable climate changes, increased frequency of floods and droughts, stronger and deadlier hurricanes, lesser availability of fresh water, outbreak of diseases such as malaria, extinction of many animal and plant species and irreversible changes and damages to ecosystem, many of us are compelled to ask, “how to take action to reduce global warming?”. Well, although politically, many steps are being taken to tackle this environmental issue, still as individuals, we also can do our steps to save our planet from these impending dangers. But you are probably wondering how everyone can really do anything to protect the earth from the growing dangers of Climate Changes that caused by global warming. The answer is yes, every single person can help in the fight against Global Warming. Why not ? Allah swt said,

إن الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغير ما بأنفسهم

The some important aspect of fighting Global Warming is decreasing the amount of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions that are sent into the atmosphere as a result of, among other things, the burning of fossil fuels. Burning oil or natural gas, even for the necessary purpose of heating a home, gives off harmful emissions that eventually clog up the sky and heat up the earth. Furthermore, electric appliances and light bulbs, which seem pretty harmless by themselves, are fed by much larger energy sources that are likely powered by the burning of fossil fuels that throw off harmful emissions. i trust, beyond question !. Every person can help lower the emission of greenhouse gases by lowering their energy consumption at home and using cleaner energy sources to power and protect their own beloved world.

And the most important aspect of fighting



Pidato Bahasa Inggris Fasting Ramadhan
The Excellency :

The Founder of Islamic Boarding School,

Muassisul Ma’had Darullughah Wadda’wah, Al Habib Hasan bin Ahmad Baharunز


The Excellency :

The Leader of Islamic Boarding School

Mudirul Ma’had, Al Habib Zein bin Hasan bin Ahmad Baharun,


متعنا الله بطول حياته الشريفة


The Honorable :

All Habaib, and All Teachers


The Recpectable :

All parents of students and my friends whom I love


Let’s pray and thank to our god Allah the Al mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this special place in this great occasion, and Allah swt say in the holy Al-Qur’an

يا أيها الذين أمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون


May sholawat and salam always be given to our Prophet Muhammad, who has guided us from darkness to the lightness from bitter life to the better life, so we can distinguish between good thing and the bad one, right way and the wrong one, and our prophet Muhammad saw said :

صوموا تصحوا

and also I never forget to say “thank very much to the master of ceremony” who has been giving me the opportunity to stand in front of you all, standing in front of you all I would like to deliver my speech under title


Fasting and Wisdoms of Ramadan


Fasting is a special worship and Ramadan fasting-especially-has wisdoms and real benefits for humans. In general, the wisdom of fasting can be classified into three; psychical wisdom, medical wisdom, and social wisdom.



Psychical Wisdom


Fasting is worship that directly touches the spiritual dimension, fasting is more concerned with spiritual dimensions. Hence there is a lot of psychical wisdom in fasting, such as:



Fasting purifies the human soul because of that when a person is sincere in carrying out God’s command and His prohibition, he able to avoid sin with the ability to control lustful feeling


Fasting is exercise patience and Ramadhan is in a very hot day earth elements. But Moslem preferred to win the spiritual element to remain abstinent. And we keep hold of hunger until it’s time to break..


Patience is the essence of restraint. Refrain from the urge to immediately have or do something negative. because in our fast, we refrain from fulfilling and control lustful feeling. Abstaining from the habit of not to do when fasting such as drinking coffee or tea in the morning, snacking during the day, and so forth.


Medical wisdom


Besides having a high Psychical wisdom, fasting also has medical wisdom has been proven through various studies,


As we know

البِطْنَة مَدَارُ كُلِّ دَاء

Many dishes many diseases

It has been scientifically proven that the emphasis on eating can lead to disease emergence is closely related to many eating habits, such as rheumatic disease, liver disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Therefore, it is no doubt that fasting would be an opportunity for the rest of the body within a certain time each year, which is one twelfth of the age of the patient. Therefore, the spread of disease types such as this in areas where the population is accustomed to fast running low.



Social Wisdom


Other wisdoms of fasting is social wisdom. By fasting a Muslim trained by God to feel hungry. Hunger is needed by those who daily affluent wealthy may never feel this kind of hunger. By feeling hungry can expect a rich man to imagine that such is the state of the orphans’; hungry, even days and not get a break with the certainty of nutritious foods. So, the next stage is the emergence of empathy for the orphans’ is so moved with rich people to sympathize them.



Other social wisdom is that fasting is a personal honesty has trained with the training to all community members to live honestly. With honesty is the social life will run more harmonious, corruption decreased, and the fulfillment of responsibilities of all elements of the Muslim nations increased so that significant progress



That all my speech, thank’s so much and forgive me for any mistake, because I am still beginner,

Wa billahi taufik wal hidayah

War ridho wal inayah

Summa salammu alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh,.,




Pidato Bahasa Inggris Esensi Jihad
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة وسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين وعلى آله ةأصحابه أجمعين



The Excellency the adjudicators of English speech competition.

The honorable all of teachers.

And respectable all audience and my friend whom I love.


Let’s thanks to our god Allah SWT who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can gather in this place in good condition.


Sholawat and salam will be always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the black way to the bright way.


Thank you very much to the master of ceremony who has been giving me the opportunity to give some speech in front of you all


In this nice occasion, I would like to deliver my speech under the title

“The Essensial Concept of Jihad in Islam”



Our Prophet Muhammad saw ever said :

من خرج فى طلب االعلم فهو فى سبيل الله حتى يرجع


It means : whoever that going out for seeking knowledge, he is who struggle on Allah’s Path till he retune . This hadist explain that fi sabillah is not only about war or about physical strength or about weapons, but also Jihad is about seeking knowledge or طلب العلم


Let’s get flashback into the era of Rasulullah saw, he had succeeded to unite arab and completely vanish the darkness of jahiliyah, and we also can see the era of khulafaur rosyidin, such as Sayyidina Abu Bakar, Sayyidina Umar, Sayyidina Utsman, Sayyidina Ali, in those era till right now the muslim has been having great Islamic victorious and glorious. and we also can see the era of sholahuddin al ayyubi, he had succeeded to retune Palestine and vanquish the crusaders, why the Moslem in that era have a great strength and power among the infidels., because they follow up Al-Qur’an and Hadist as their reference and guide of Life, they help each other, and they socialize the other Moslem just like their own brother, that why in that era they can reach their victory and glory, but let’s see in this era right now !, iman of Moslems in this era has collapsed, broken and wrecked, the are fighting each other, they are fighting for money vainly, they are already being influenced and poisoned by bad culture and and evil attitude.


That’s why this is our duty our assignment , we have obligation to repair our mindset and protect our family from those bad influence, and regain back the spirit of jihad in every Moslem’s heart, because the infidels right now is not attacking as by weapon anymore.

They are attacking us by bad culture, food, fashion and female’s bad attitude, and much more those are unexpected. If we do not protect our family and who else will protect them ? who else will educate, if we don not have good Islamic mindset how we can defend and vanquish bad culture ?


That’s why, we are as Tholabul Ilmi / Student must focus on and struggle hard for studying, so we can be ulama, we have good Islamic mindset, we can protect and educate our family, keep on fighting for the future of our life as well as for the unity of our country. We must believe in ourselves that we can do it and that we can build our society by means of collective participation. We must go on and make sure that we become leaders of Islamic Mankind .


That‘s All my speech, if I am mistake forgive me please, Finally I say : …………….




Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Internet
Internet’s Effects on Human’s Life


a word of “INTERNET” is abbreviation from “Interconnected-Networking”, as most of Peoples know that “INTERNET” provides some of the most effective means of communication such as Electronic Mail or E-mail and instants messages have made online communication possible. blogs, websites, social networking and online discussion forums have being popular. People in different parts of whole the world can collaborate over the internet, work together over internet, they can exchange views, and get more any information because The Internet is a virtual treasure of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet, so many search engines such as Yahoo and Mbah Google are at your service on the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subjects that you are looking for just a click away, thanks to internet !! ^o^

the internet not only have a bright side but also it has a dark side, like any other technology that contains some unwanted elements and disadvantages such as spams that always can be annoying, viruses that can destroy important data and softwares and also some viruses make a lots of damages on functions of your computer systems, internet not only make everything easier and save lots of time just by staying in front of computers, futhermore, spending more time by surfing the cyberspace will make the user addicted, As a result, the Internet cuts out the social interactions of our lives, it will make us become lazy and non-social, and We may lose out on being social of our society surrounds us,

The worst disadvantage of internet that always affect many bad effects on the user is pornography, this is perhaps the biggest threat related to user and especially our children’s healthy mental life. There are thousands of pornographic sites on cyberspace that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the Internet. However !!, anyhow we know more disadvantages about internet, even it has dark side and negative effect, we can’t say that internet is bad, we can’t say internet is dark side of technology’s revolution, we can’t say internet is worst of technology’s development effects, or internet is more dangerous than evil, for all negative effects of internet we only can say “internet is just being misused”, because internet was not built for negative purpose, but actually at 1969 internet was purely built for positive purpose particularly for positive effects of human’s life, that’s the main point of existence of internet technology .


The main key of solutions to face all internet’s disadvantages is we should know every aspect of disadvantage of internet and then find out it’s solution before we are going to explore cyberspace.

عَرَفْنَا الشَرّ لا لِشَرٍّ وَ لَكِنْ لِتَوَقِّيْهِ  فَمَنْ لا يَعْرِفُ شَرَّ شَيْئٍ يَقَعْ فِيِه

We know every disadvantage of something not for making negative effect but to avoid all disadvantages and unbenefits of something, and who doesn’t know about disadvantage of something he will get negative effect


It means we should study more and more how to surf internet correctly, and how to explore cyberspace rightly, such as by using symantec, kaspersky, avast, avira, smadav or another anti viruses and firewall for our Computer to avoid many spams and viruses, and the best way to avoid pornography from our children is by installing special softwares such as children protector, parental lock, or nannychip for our computer, does Allah never guide us how to surf internet rightly ?, does our prophet never explain us how to explore world wide wen ? does Islam never teach us how to explore cyberspace for right way ?, Existence of islam is not only to establish our life for the bright way for but also all every aspect of our life, islam has explained us how to surf cyberspace on the right way by our prophet’s saying :

“اتقوا الله حيث ما كنت”

The urgency of internet doesn’t mean makes us always staying in front of computer all time, yeah internet is important but internet is not everything, so ! we should realize that internet is only facility, and of course our life need many guidance and more education from our parent, our teacher and the society that will strengthen our main education for our bright future.

Opening Pembukaan Pidato Bahasa Inggris
The Excellency Al Habib Zein bin Hasan Baharun, Mudirul Ma’had Darullughah Wadda’wah
The Honorable all of teachers
The Respectable all audiences
First, Let’s thanks to ALLAH the god of the world, the lord of the universe, the master of the day after. Who has bestowed us abundant mercies, so that we are able to attend this peaceful place without any obstacles and troubles.
Furthermore, peace and salutation always belong to great and most honorable prophet to the last messenger Muhammad who has introduced us Islamic religion who has given us great example as well as judgment.
and also I never forget to say “thank very much to the master of ceremony” who has been giving me the opportunity to stand in front of you all, standing in front of you all I would like to deliver my speech under title :
First of all, let us thank Allah SWT which because of His blessings, we all can gather here on this event. Shalawat and prayer we will say to our greatest prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends, and all of his followers. Amien!
Let’s thanks to our god Allah SWT who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can gather in this place in good condition.
Sholawat and salam will be always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the black way to the bright way.
Thank you very much to the master of ceremony who has been giving me the opportunity to give some speech in front of you all, In this nice occasion, I would like to deliver my speech under the title :
Let’s pray and thank to our god Allah the Al mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this special place in this great occasion
May sholawat and salam always be given to our Prophet Muhammad, who has guided us from darkness to the lightness from bitter life to the better life, so we can distinguish between good thing and the bad one, right way and the wrong one, and also I never forget to say “thank very much to the master of ceremony” who has been giving me the opportunity to stand in front of you all, standing in front of you all I would like to deliver my speech under title :
Before we proceed, let us thank to Allah the Lord of the universe, the Creator of day and night, the Master of the world who has created and given us a guidance trough the religion of Islam.
Peace and salutation always be to the best man in Islam, the best model for us, and the last messenger of Allah our noble prophet Muhammad S.A.W who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness, from ignorance to the world full of compassion and love.
My sincere thanks and gratitude to the chairman for giving me this wonderful opportunity to speak about something particular importance to our individual and collective life. I want to speak about:


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